
Click on any of the following links or scroll down through the page to see our current inventory of kitchen related items: Baskets; Bowls & Trenchers; Butter Molds & Prints; Firkens, Buckets & Carriers; Hearth Related; Lemon Squeezers; Maple Sugar & Cookie Molds; Pantry Boxes; Scoops; Slaw Cutters; Spice and Salt Boxes.   Click on the photo to see a larger image.


Woven Basket, Eye of God weave around the handles – SOLD
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Bowls & Trenchers

Primitive Wooden Bowl, Slightly out of round; 13 3/4″ x 12 1/2″
Wooden Trencher, 22 1/4″ x 12 1/2″
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Butter Molds & Prints

Rare Four Sided Butter Print

Click here to see our current inventory of butter molds and prints that includes both rare and more common patterns.
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Firkens, Buckets & Carriers

Firken or Sugar Bucket with Lid, Fingered wooden bands; Swing handle; 9 3/4″ tall plus the handle
10 Compartment Carrier; Mortised in dividers; square nail construction – SOLD
Painted Bucket with Lid; Original red paint; Canted sides; Wooden staves with metal bands; Wire and wooden andle; Porcelain knob 11″ tall; 11 1/4″ diameter at bottom; 10 1/4″ diameter at the top
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Rotating Griddle, Wrought iron
Early Hand Forged Peel, Unusuual double heart handle; Wrought iron;
Foot Warmer, Punched tins sides with heart surrounded by circle design
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Lemon Squeezers

Lemon Squeezer on Four Legs, Early forged hinge; Top board and turned handle are a single piece of wood; Possibly Shaker; 12″ long x 8″ tall x 5 1/8″ across
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Springerle Roller, Central leaf and berry pattern surrounded by two chip carved rows on each side; Approximately 3″ wide and 2 3/4″ in diameter; Elaborately turned handles extend about 5 1/4″ on both sides of the roller.
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Pantry Boxes

Small Shaker pantry Box

We currently have pantry boxes that have both over-lapping construction and fingered construction.  Click here to see our inventory.  Use your browser back button to return to this page.
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Flour or Grain Scoop; Lathe turned handle and body; Three piece construction – SOLD
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Slaw Cutters

Tiger Maple Slaw Cutter Tiger Maple Slaw Cutter, Cut out handle; 23 3/8″ x 7 3/4″
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Spice and Salt Boxes

Dovetailed Four Compartment; Slide Lid Spice Box with Original painted surface
Hanging Salt Box; Two interior compartments; Scalloped back board with ct out hanging hole
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