Luann was born in and reared surrounded by the Midwest farm country of Ohio. She has loved both animals and art since childhood, and began drawing at an early age. Luann earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Columbus College of Art and Design in 1981. Since graduation, she has enjoyed a long and distinguished artistic career in the graphic design industry and as an exhibiting artist in national and international art shows. In 2017, Luann was recognized for her quality in miniature art by being voted in as a signature member to the prestigious Miniature Artist of America (MAA) society.
Luann’s fascination with history provides inspiration for many of her paintings. Dedicated research and annual trips to the West are used to gather reference materials for future paintings. Cowboys, mountain men, Native Americans, pioneers and longhorns from the 1800’s to modern day are featured in Luann’s art.
Luann Houser’s work is recognized instantly by its striking depth and clarity, her ability to broadcast emotions from the canvas, her sensitive color palette and sophisticated lighting. Luann has earned a reputation for doing quality portraits that capture the personalities of people and animals She continues to strive to paint traditionally, exploring ways to engage the viewer, tell a story, and express an emotion that resonates with her collectors.

Luann’s work is exhibited at national and international shows and can be seen in prominent collections throughout the world. In 2018 she was a awarded the Mundy Sovereign Portrait Award for “Aleighna”, the best portrait at the 2018 Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Society exhibition in London, England.

A Woman’s Touch
In 2013, her painting “A Woman’s Touch” was awarded Best in Show at the Miniature Art Society of Florida. That painting was acquired by the Society for inclusion in their permanent collection of some of the finest miniature art in America. In addition, she has take numerous best in category awards including the Cathie P. Scott Memorial Ward for Best in Realism at the upcoming Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Society of Washington DC.
Luann currently resides in rural Indiana with her fiancee and equine, canine, and feline companions.
Click here to read Luann’s artist statement.